So John and I realized we have some pretty super cool photographer friends so we invited a few to a little soiree at our home Wednesday night. The laughs never stopped, the food never ran out and drinks just kept on flowing. It was truly a fun fun fun night and we can’t wait to do it again. Thanks to all who came…and thanks for your friendship. Below are a few funny pics and some recommendations for all the photographers that attended. Anyone would do well by any of them. They are all fantastic, creative, soulful and lovely.
My wonderful husband has gone and gotten himself addicted to the funniest looking shoes in the whole wide world. They are so funny looking that I believe other shoes actually snicker out loud when he walks by. No joke. He swears by them and as you can tell…they are quite the conversation piece. David Burke couldn’t help himself and took a little pic of his shoes plus all us normal people in on it.

Yes, I’m the one barefoot…only way to go…unless it’s a rockin’ pair of stilhettos…
So my highly addicted husband could not believe his little eyes when he opened a package from Vibram Five Fingers (yes, that’s right…he actually wrote to the company to announce his unquestioning worship to this shoe and their company) and found the deified shirt you see him wearing below. That grin has not left his face since he put it on…it actually reminds me of what our daughter’s face looks like when she gets a new princess dress. Ahhh…like daughter like father. Isn’t he so cute??

So thanks again to all you beautiful photographers that showed up last night. We had a great time with each of you. Again–you can’t go wrong with any one of the photographers listed below. Some I’ve recommended before on this blog, some are new. Each is wonderful, gifted, so crazy talented and just awesome to spend time with. What’s great also is that each one of us is just a little different from the rest. We each have our own style and unique way of doing what we do. Yes…we all rock, in case you’re wondering.
David Burke: The sweetest guy ever…EVER. His work has an urban quality to it that goes along very nicely with his storybook style. He’s honest, fun and just good people. I love his work.
Annie O’neill: Annie is so talented and has the most interesting background in photography. She knows what she’s doing and she does it very well. She’s also a sensitive person and this part of her personality really comes off in her work.
Kimberly Reed: Kim is a bit of sweetness mixed in with Rock ‘n Roll. She’s the pretty side of punk rock. Her work has a strong urban quality but balanced very well with romanticism. She pulls it off spot on. She’s also just a hilarious person who will keep you laughing all day long.
Joanne Bartone: Mother incarnate. Years and years of experience to go off of she knows exactly what she’s doing and how to exactly get what she wants in a couple. She makes you very relaxed and assured that you’re in good hands. You just know you have no worries when she’s around. Her style is sweet and romantic.
Heather Lahtinen: Heather’s style is very romantic, magazine/storybook style. Very pretty and very soft with a slight mix of sultry. It’s all romance with her and since she’s a HUGE tech geek you can always count on the latest trends and styles in her work. She’s on it and her work is very tight.
Leeann Marie: Leeann is a little new to the field and her work is truly awesome. She has a great eye and has the ability to see shots in a different way. I know this personally because she has come along with us to a few weddings and I’ll look a shot we both took and hers is better. Damn. She’s sweet and fun…love having her along when she comes.
Barb Barry: I just recently met Barb but I’m so glad to know her. Barb runs her business with her husband, Stephen, whom I have not had the pleasure of meeting yet. I really love their work as it is very sweet and storybook, my favorite kind.
Thanks to all of you for coming! Let’s do it again soon!